Let us help you find out which Lagostina world you belong to,
based on your needs, habits and preferences in the kitchen.
All Lagostina pressure cookers pass strict tests and are certified according
to the European standard EN 12778, which calls for several safety devices.
Safety, versatility and healthy living to satisfy your every need in just a few steps.
Opening and closing systems
With a pressure cooker practically anything can be cooked,
from starters to first courses, from meat to fish and even desserts.
▪ Safe and durable non-stick coating Cook with all our non-stick pans in complete safety.
The coating is fully guaranteed to keep its features throughout its long life, while
respecting your health and the environment.
3-layer, high thickness steel - aluminium - steel base. The casting of 2 metals, by means of an exclusive procedure, at extremely high temperature, creates total integration of the base with the body of the pot, assuring optimal heat distribution along the entire surface. The "exposed" aluminium band makes the product's appearance even more refined.